Losing Fat in your Fifties - Week 3

Tue. Jan 29, 2019

Read in 2 minutes

Ending the third week of my fat loss journey I can happily report that I'm still moving in the right direction.

My average weight went down by .4 lbs. and I lost another .5 inch total.

I’m especially happy that my waist measurement continued to go down as that is the focus of my fat loss efforts. Having ballooned to 37.75 inches when I started the journey on 1/6/19, I’ve brought my waist measurement back down to 36.

The belt line definitely feels more comfortable. I have one more inch to go to get to my modest fat loss goal of a 35 inch waist.

francisco villalobos fat loss

I doubt I will have anything approximating a “six-pack” when I achieve that goal. Even at my leanest for the 2005 photoshoot picture I shared previously in this blog, I was not as “ripped” as many physique athletes are on the cover of fitness magazines.

But being “ripped”, “shredded” or “peeled” was never my goal. I’ll leave those worthy goals to professional physique competitors.

I just want to fit comfortably in my tailored clothing and continue to get stronger and improve my technique as a jiu-jitsu practitioner.

At this point in my life, I’m more about what my body can do then what I look like without a shirt.

So long as I’m healthy and comfortable in my clothes, its all about becoming strong enough to face life’s challenges with resilience and enjoy its adventures with gusto.

Stay tuned dear readers!

Here are my current stats, measured on 1/28/19: