Tue. Feb 5, 2019
Read in 1 minutes
Can you tone up after 50? Absolutely! As a personal trainer, I'm sharing tip that I use for my own process.
I’ve accomplished another week of progress on my fat loss journey.
As happy as I was that I was still heading in the right direction last week, I decided to see if I could speed the fat loss process along by knocking an additional 175 calories off of my daily consumption.
Small incremental changes like this work well for me. Instead of losing .4 lbs. as I did last week, I lost 1.2 lbs. this week!
Not a bad ROI: 3x the rate of fat loss for a daily investment of 175 calories.
Most importantly, my waist measurement is down to 35.5”, just .5” from my goal.
So the end of my fat loss journey is coming into sight, and thankfully for you dear reader, my topless progress pics will fade from sight.